Friday, November 6, 2020

How to make sure your website doesn’t end up generating errors

It is common for every business to have a website that is going to stand out among its competitors. If you want your website to be different and unique, think about the prevailing things that ruin your site. Simple things like errors can drive users away.

More often than not, errors occur mainly because of an insecure internet connection. An old, outdated webpage or a broken link can be huge problems as well. Nevertheless, these errors are common and very reasonable. There is not a person in the world that hasn’t faced such issues on the internet. So don’t stress so much.

What’s important is that you can learn from your mistakes. Here we’ve gathered some ways to make sure you limit these faults.

Responsive design

Responsive design is the most distinctive element of a good website. It makes your website convenient for everyone. Whether your visitors view your site on a computer desktop or a Smartphone, you must offer them a quality user experience individually designed for their browsing device. Since they are the ones that drive traffic and improve conversions, you have to keep them satisfied and interested.

Check browser compatibility

You want your website to be flexible. The fundamental features your site has should work across many various browsers. Update the functionality of the website every once in a while. Since many browsers keep developing and updating, make sure you track each new version and accommodate your website to it.

Test the website’s usability

It is essential to test your website’s usability. There are plenty of online services that enable you to get a visitor’s perspective. You can see how your site works and recognize any speed bumps before starting to the real world. You don’t have to wait until it’s too late, and costly revisions have to be made down the line.

JavaScript errors

Another thing to keep in check is your animations, navigations, and menus. These elements are more often prone to crashing. Check frequently and update your JavaScript. These errors can be quite detrimental to your website’s performance. 

Typical Code Errors

Code errors also happen frequently. These types of errors can be caused by you or anyone renewing or repairing the website. These types of crashes are entirely reasonable and occur often. You don’t have to worry about these types of errors since they can be easily fixable. If you mess up with your site’s code, you might end up having errors like “request entity too large”, “your site is experiencing technical difficulties” and others.

HTTP Code Errors

Another thing to continually keep in check is your HTML code. These errors are the most common to go unrecognized, thus will go unfixed most of the time. However, there are many tools to help instantly name the problem. With their help, you can fix your problem immediately.

Don’t Under-Plan Your Website.

Before creating a website, make sure to create a business plan for it. While it might seem unnecessary, such a program can help you a lot. It can help you have a transparent target market to keep track of promotions and overall growth. Make sure you research every stage of the operations and developments of your website.

Plugins and extensions

Plugins or extensions are great add-on features for your website.  However, they are not part of your site. Other people develop them. This can cause some issues.

Some of those creators may make one that isn’t very stable, and others may make a great plugin but fail to update it. Whether the plugin or extension is just not made very well or not updated can sometimes give out. When that happens, your whole website can crash. So plan precisely when you include those on your website.

Set up the Permalink Structure

URLs might seem irrelevant when creating a website. However, they play a crucial role. Set a unique and short URL for your website. You want it to be readable and memorable for users. You can achieve this by a setup permalink for your URL.


Always proofread the content you have put on your website. It can be quite embarrassing if you have a page full of typing mistakes. Not only that, but it will make the visitors doubtful of your product and service. To avoid this, have someone else proofread everything you’ve written. Or, use tools to correct any misspelled words.

Hosting error

This kind of fits right in with the last mistake, but sometimes your website can go down because you don’t have a large enough hosting plan. Maybe you forgot about your project and haven’t renewed it since you began your website, or maybe your site just had a sudden growth.

Either way, as your website continues to develop and get more traffic, your hosting plan should grow. If your hosting plan is too small and many people try to get onto your website, it will shut itself down.

Security issues and certification problems

One of the most overlooked aspects of any website is security. Having your site hacked is a major security scare. A lot of our companies don’t pay attention to their security. You can avoid this mistake by continually upgrading your website’s safety features. Another thing to obtain is an SSL certificate. This way, your website security will be at the maximum.

Attend to Your Errors

It is essential to fix existing problems immediately. This way, you won’t have any garbage pile up, and you will make sure your website stays healthy and error-free. Not fixing yo9ur mistakes can often slow down your website’s performance or even worsen it. While seemingly minor, these mistakes can also become costly if not handled immediately and adequately.

Stay Patient

It is essential to stay patient when your website crashes. Every website crashes at some point or another. What you should do when this happens is work with your service provider. They will get your site back up and running.  Even if they can’t help you, you can always find another service provider who will be happy.

When you own a website, it is essential to know why website errors happen and how to handle them. You should always know your way around. If you don’t, find someone who does. This will be very beneficial. You will know how your site is performing, and you know how to reduce bounce rate and improve SE rankings.

from Blog – Designer Daily: graphic and web design blog
via Designer Daily

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